As a member of the Young Academy of Sweden, you gain access to a forum where a select group of Sweden's leading young researchers convene to discuss and advance issues broadly related to research and science. Here, as an ambitious researcher, you have the opportunity to bring your ideas to life. Elections take place every year in January.
Photo: Erik Thor/SUA
We usually get around 65–80 applications and bring in 6–8 new members annually. This means it's pretty competitive. If you don't make it on your first try, we encourage you to apply again. It's not uncommon for members to apply multiple times before getting in.
No, new members need to apply on their own initiative.
We're very much a hands-on academy, and the more time you put in, the more rewarding it is to be a member 🙂 The whole academy typically meets four times a year for two-day meetings. Besides these, members participate, to varying degrees, in both internal and external activities. The operation is supported by private and public research funders and is run with the assistance of a secretariat.
The first step is to submit an application, the application period is usually open from November until the beginning of January. A selection panel evaluates the scientific merits of all applicants and invites the best candidates for an interview. Based on this, the selection panel recommends new members for formal election by the academy.
Latest news from the Young Academy of Sweden, published approximately six times a year. You can unsubscribe at any time.