9 February 2022
When: Wednesday–Thursday 9–10th February
Where: Umeå University and online (Zoom)
Themes: Academic freedom, Fostering Breakthrough Research
Northern lights over Umeå University. Photo: Umeå University
On 9–10 February, this year’s first academy meeting will take place in Umeå and on Zoom. A delegation with, among others, Sebastian Westenhoff (chair), Mia Liinason (vice chair) and Sverker Lundin (CEO), will be on site in Umeå and members are joining from universities around the country.
From the top left: Christer Nordlund, Hans Adolfsson, Sonja Christensen, from the bottom left: Anna-Karin Wikstrand, Oliver Billker and Gunnar Öquist.
Photo: Per Melander, (Nordlund) Mattias Pettersson (Adolfsson, Billker), Markus Marcetic/RSAS (Öquist)
Hans Adolfsson, Vice chancellor of Umeå University and Vice chair of SUHF (The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions)
Oliver Billker, Professor of Molecular Biology, Director, MIMS (Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden) Umeå University
Sonja Christensen, Director of consumer care, CSR-philanthropy lead, L’Oréal Nordics, the L’Oréal-Unesco For Women in Science Prize with support of the Young Academy of Sweden
Anna-Karin Wikstrand, External corporate communications manager, L’Oréal Nordics, For Women in Science-partner
Christer Nordlund, Professor in history of ideas at Umeå University and SUA alumnus
Gunnar Öquist, former Permanent secretary the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, honorary member and initiator of YAS.
Academy meetings are two-day long stay-over gatherings currently held four to five times a year. The meeting place rotates around the country and abroad in order to get in touch with important people and institutions in the local environment. At the academy meetings, the members meet to discuss and make decisions about the organization and activities. It is also on these occasions that new ideas for activities come up, where the members present their research to each other, and various interdisciplinary initiatives take place. The academy meetings are also a place for mutual learning where you get to grow in your own academic leadership.
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