22 September 2021
Pressrelease. Four men and four women, all prominent researchers in their fields including biotechnology, brain research, literature and astronomy, are elected to the Young Academy of Sweden. In 10 years, the organization has become a strong voice among decision-makers in the research world both nationally and internationally.
Top row from the left: Oscar Agertz (photo: Lena Björk Blixt), Lisa Hellman (photo: BCDSS Press), Karolina Kauppi (photo: Gunilla Sonnebring), Johan Larsbrink (photo: Martin Jansson). Bottom row from the left: Gabriele Messori (photo: Mikael Wallerstedt), Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed (photo: Eric Cullhed), Michael Schöll (photo: Elena Camporesi) and Janina Seubert (foto: Stephan Zimmermann). Click to enlarge, find press images here
The Young Academy of Sweden (YAS) brings together younger, leading researchers from all disciplines and parts of the country. The membership period is limited to five years, which means a continuous influx of energy and ideas. On September 22, the eight new researchers are welcomed into SUA:
Oscar Agertz, assistant professor in astronomy at Lund University
Lisa Hellman, researcher in history at Lund University
Karolina Kauppi, researcher in medical biology at Umeå University
Johan Larsbrink, associate professor in molecular enzymology at Chalmers University of Technology
Gabriele Messori, associate professor in meteorology at Uppsala University
Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed, associate professor in literary studies at Uppsala University
Michael Schöll, associate professor in molecular medicine at Universitety of Gothenburg
Janina Seubert, associate professor in psychology at Karolinska Institutet
– We take huge pleasure in welcoming new members, the number of applicants this year was record high. We look forward to unleashing our energy on new activities together, says chair Sebastian Westenhoff (professor in biophysical chemistry at University of Gothenburg and Karin and Herbert Jacobsson Professor in biochemistry at Uppsala University).
YAS celebrates 10 years in 2021 and has since its founding in 2011 had a total of 95 prominent researchers as members, many alumni are today in leading positions in the research system. Scientific innovation, leadership and an interdisciplinary approach permeate the all activities. A core mission since the start is promoting transparent and quality-driven career paths. With the successful children’s book Forskardrömmar (Researcher Dreams), SUA engages children and young people to increase their understanding of research and encourage them to see themselves as researchers in the future.
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