8 December 2014
The Academy’s President Martin Högbom participates at the seminar “Science 2.0 – New Boundary conditions for Science” held at The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) today.
The European Union has recently had an open consultation on various aspects on Science 2.0. Now there is a need to further discuss these topics in Sweden. Young Academy of Sweden has also previously submitted contribution to the EU consultation ‘Science 2.0’.
In an increasingly globalized world with the rapid development of new communication technologies and an explosion of scientific institutions new boundary conditions for science emerges. Furthermore, there is also a need for science to come up with quicker solutions for the grand challenges the world is facing, pushing the scientific process to deliver faster. This also implies that science will be required to be more inter-disciplinary involving many stakeholders. All this will have important implications for the organisation of the scientific process, for scientific institutions and for the individual scientist.
Dr Jean-Claude Burgelman, Head of Unit Science Policy, Foresight and Data, European Commission will open the seminar with a keynote lecture. Professor Lars Hultman, Executive Director at the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research; Young Academy of Sweden’s President, Professor Martin Högbom, Stockholm University; and from the industry side Tobias Krantz, Director Research and Education at the Swedish Enterprise Federation will comment from their respective area.
Moderator is Professor Jan-Eric Sundgren, Chairman IVA´s Division for Basic and Interdisciplinary Engineering Sciences. Professor Sundgren is also Chairman of The Foundation for the Young Academy of Sweden.
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