30 September 2021
On 30th September as many as 70 representatives from 50 young academies came together online. The Global Young Academy arranged the meeting.
Largest-ever online meeting of Young Academies
Linda Andersson Burnett, researcher in the History of Science at Uppsala University, and Sverker Lundin (CEO) participated.
The role of young academies in a pandemic/post-pandemic world, with inputs from various corners of the world was discussed. How should and could young academies tackle the post-pandemic world, and what were lessons learned? The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted differences between the various world regions, but has also resulted in young academies being more engaged in (national) science and policy arenas.
Breakout sessions offered the possibility to explore young academies’ challenges and on opportunities for collaboration. Questions about the role of young academies in each country, their contributions and ways to become more active, effective and visible were discussed, as were issues of funding and of collaborating with established science academies and other stakeholders.
Participants heard a brief update on the planning of the Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies in 2022. The latest additions to the young academies network – the Argentinian Young Academy, the D. R. Congo Young Academy of Sciences, and the Romanian Young Academy – also attended the meeting. Representatives from the young academy initiatives from Colombia, Croatia, Ireland, and Panama, in turn participated to learn about existing young academies (see here for a current list of young academies).
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