Now you can apply to become a member of the Young Academy of Sweden. The Academy is an independent, interdisciplinary forum for a selection of the most talented young researchers in Sweden within all scientific fields. The Academy enables meetings across disciplinary boundaries, giving rise to unexpected initiatives. Young Academy of Sweden was formed 2011 at the initiative of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and currently has 40 members. Together we provide a voice for younger researchers in Sweden and have alreadey proved to be a strong part in the public debate on science. The Academy is a prominent member of the growing internationl academy movement.

Akademin i Göteborg 2014

Academy meeting in Göteborg 2014. The Academy comes together twice every semester for two-day residential gatherings in different locations in Sweden and occasionally abroad. Photo: Annika Moberg/Young Academy of Sweden

Helena Sandberg Foto: Marcus Marcetic

“The Academy provides me with a national inter-disciplinary network with a selection of the most prominent researchers in Sweden right now, this is something I highly value”, says Helena Sandberg, Associate Professor in Media- and Communications studies, member since 2012.

Gruppbild Forskarmöten 2014

Scientific encounters, summer science school for high school students, is an example of the Academy’s outreach activities. We also visit schools toghether with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Nobel Laureates in December.

Christian Broberger Foto: Markus Marcetic

“My ideas for how Sweden will become an even better place for science and research no longer stays in the lunch room, but may reach all the way to the Government”, says Christian Broberger, Associate Professor in neuroscience and the Academy Chair 2012–2013.

The call takes place late in the fall and is open to prominent, independent researhers in all disciplines, whose dissertation was presented not more than 2–10 years ago (with the possible deduction of  parental leave, illness, clinical service or military service). Qualification requirements for election are scientific excellence and an expressed engagement in research.

An interdisciplinary panel of members from the Young Academy of Sweden, sometimes with the help of external expertise, examines applications and call a number of candidates for interview in March-April. The new members are presented at the end of May. The term of office begins 23 May and is five years without the possibility of reelection.

The Academy has a system for applications. The emphasis of the application lies in the formulation of why you wish to become a member of the Young Academy of Sweden, what questions you are interested in, and how you can contribute. A short CV must be attached (maximum 1 page) and a list of the 10 most important publications. Annexes are uploaded as instructed in the application system. The deadline for applications is 13 January.

Please contact us:
Anna Kjellström, Administrator,, 070-673 94 45

More contact information to Academy Members here and to the Secratariat here.

Please download and share (flyer pdf Swedish)inval2015_flyer.pdf

Christian Forssén Foto: Annika Moberg

Member Christian Forssén tries his scientific trend forcasting at an Academy meeting 2014. The scientific forecastings were later performed at the annual science festival in Göteborg.


Marie Wiberg, Andreas Ryve and Maria Lindskog talk about school and knowledge assessments in Akademipodden, the Academy’s podcast.

Martin Högbom och Anna Sjöström Douagi, FN, NY

The Academy’s President Martin Högbom and CEO Anna Sjöström Douagi at UN, New York in time for the lauching of the Global STEM Alliance, an initiative by the New York Academy of Sciences where the Acadmey is a founding mentoring partner.


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Gruppbild Forskarmöten 2014
Christian Forssén Foto: Annika Moberg