Bild: svartvitt ansiktsporträtt av småleende man

Photo: Cato Lein

About Olle’s research

My research focuses on philosophical questions about the foundations of our values, both within ethics (how should we act?) and epistemology (what should we believe?). I have written about the epistemic significance of disagreement, moral reasons and explanations, and the concept of harm and its role in moral philosophy.

From 2024 to 2029, I will be involved in the research program Pro Futura Scientia, funded by SCAS and the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. As a Pro Futura Fellow, I will focus on gradability (or “degree questions”), especially in value contexts.

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Bild: svartvitt ansiktsporträtt av småleende man

Photo: Cato Lein


In brief

Born: 1993
Interests: Moral philosophy and epistemology
Other: I have been playing bass guitar since my teenage years, and my band Three Seasons has released several albums and tours in Europe. I am also a fan of the ice hockey team Colorado Avalanche.

I want to contribute to strengthening the place of philosophy and research in society.

More with Olle

I am one of the editors for the Swedish journal Filosofisk tidskrift, aimed at the general public, and one of the hosts for the Filosofisk podcast published by the same journal.

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