Photo: Markus Marcetic/SUA
The aim of my research is to understand which are the smallest building blocks of matter and which are the fundamental forces that act on them. Our current theory of the subatomic world, the standard model, is extremely successful but needs to be made more universal to e.g. include gravity and explain the origin of the dark matter in the universe. With data from the ATLAS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider I search for elementary particles that are predicted by various possible extensions of the standard model. One such extension is supersymmetry in which each standard model particle has a supersymmetric partner and the lightest supersymmetric particle could constitute the dark matter.
Born: 1977
Family: Husband and two children born in 2010 and 2012
Interests: Politics, horseback riding, the summer cottage on Gotland, and all forms of crafts.
As a member of the Young Academy of Sweden, I have a platform to work on some of the issues I am passionate about, such as the perception of science in society and the scientific education in both primary school and higher education. The Young Academy of Sweden provides me with new perspectives and broader networks to the outside world.
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