Date: 22 October
Time: 13:00–15:00
Venue: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Registration: mandatory (below), free of charge. Refreshments are included.
Speakers: Liz Fisher, Professor of Environmental Law, Corpus Christi College, Oxford University, UK, and Erica Haimes, Professor and Executaive Director of the Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre, Newcastle University, UK

Flyer/poster (pdf)

Elisabeth Haimes and Liz Fisher

Speakers: Erica Haimes and Liz Fisher

Twitter hashtag: #humsamimpact

Seminar: We are starting a conversation about the use of ‘impact’ as a measurement of quality for research in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Sweden. To this end, two UK academics will share their reflections on the term’s use in recent research evaluations and hope to provoke a discussion about how the term can (or should?) be used. We invite participation from academics, funders and policy makers. Our hope is that this can be a fruitful start to a collaborative way of thinking about research evaluation. Please join us!

12.30 Coffee and snacks

13.00­–13.05 Introduction by Sanja Bogojević, Associate professor of Environmental law, Lund University, and Ericka Johnson, Associate professor of Technology and social change, Linköping university, both members of the Young Academy of Sweden

13.05–13.35 “Thoughts on Impact”, Liz Fisher, Professor of Environmental Law, Corpus Christi College, Oxford University

13.35–14.05 “From 'public understanding' to 'outreach' to 'engagement' and 'impact': one research centre's journey to making a difference”, Erica Haimes, Professor and Executaive Director of the Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre, Newcastle University

14.05–15.00 Questions, provocations, discussions with the audience


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