LiU och SUA logotyper

From the top left: Johan Ölvander, Johanna Rosén, Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, Karin Axelsson, Sara Liin, Karl Wennberg, Lena Jonasson and Håkan Löfgren. Photo: Magnus Johansson (Ölvander, Axelsson, Löfgren), Erik Thor/YAS (Rosén, Liin), Annika Moberg/YAS (Wennberg), Charlotte Perhammar (Jönsson), Anna Nilsen (Jonasson)

Date: Thursday May 20th
Time: 14:00–16:00
Organizers: The Young Academy of Sweden (YAS) and Junior Faculty (JF) LiU

Program flyer

Participants career webinar

14:00 Welcome!

14:05–14:15 The Young Academy of Sweden, Johanna Rosén

14:15–14:30 Junior Faculty LiU

14:30–15:00 Vice-Chancellor Jan-Ingvar Jönsson

15:00–15:10 Break

15:10–16:00 Panel discussion and questions from the audience with Vice-Chancellor Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, Karin Axelsson Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Lena Jonasson Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Håkan Löfgren Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Johan Ölvander Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Questions from the audience will be taken via the chat function and moderated by the organizers. We also encourage you to post questions in advance upon registration!

Warmly welcome!

Karin Axelsson is the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and professor in Information Systems at Linköping University. Her research is focused on how e-services and IT-systems can be developed to increase advantages and benefits both in the organization and in society. Professor Axelsson was Chair of the pilot group in institutional reviews of the HEIs’ quality assurance processes, Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) in 2017. In 2017 she was awarded Outstanding Paper in the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.

Lena Jonasson is the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and professor in cardiology at Linköping University. Her research is focused on the immune response in relation to atherosclerosis. Furthermore, professor Jonasson studies how the immune system is affected by stress, diet, and type 2 diabetes. She has also been active in the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation’s research council and the Swedish Society of Cardiology.

Jan-Ingvar Jönsson is the Vice-Chancellor of Linköping University. He is professor in medical cell biology and his research has focused on the blood system and immune defence. Between 2016 and 2020 professor Jönsson was Secretary General at the Swedish Research Council for Medicine and Health. Other selected assignments include chair of the Executive Committee of the International consortium for Personalised medicine (ICPermed) between 2018 and 2020 and Chair for Joint programming initiative for antimicrobial resistance (JPIAMR) at EU.

Sara Liin is Associate Professor of Neurobiology at the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences and elected member of the Young Academy of Sweden. Her research is focused on investigating how ion channels are regulated by drugs and endogenous compounds, and how inherited variations in ion channels affect their ability to conduct current, cause disease and how to develop new treatment strategies. In 2019 associate professor Liin was awarded an ERC Starting Grant.

Håkan Löfgren is the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at and associate professor of pedagogy at Linköping University. His research is focused on how school reforms, such as national test and grades, affect students and teachers. He also studies how reforms are received and implemented. Associate professor Löfgren has a background as a teacher and has also worked as principal. Until 2020 he was a member of the board of the Swedish Educational Research Association.

Jose Gabriel Martinez Gil is Assistant Professor in Sensor and Actuator Systems at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. His research is focused on understanding the basic processes occurring in electroactive materials such as conducting polymers to further develop their applications as soft actuators or multifunctional devices. Dr. G. Martinez is the representative for the Technical Faculty at Campus Valla member at the Junior Faculty steering board.

Johanna Rosén is professor in Thin film physics at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology and elected member of the Young Academy of Sweden. Her research is focused on trying to combine theoretical simulations with experiments to develop new materials with tailormade properties. Professor Rosén is Deputy Head of Thin Film Physics Division and Acting Head of SSF Synergy Grant FUNCASE. She was awarded Wallenberg Academy Fellow in 2012, ERC Starting Grant in 2010 and the Ingvar Carlsson Award in 2007.

Karl Wennberg is professor in Business Administration at the Department of Management and elected member of the Young Academy of Sweden. His current research programs include cultural and demopgrahic diversity in both new and established firms, interpersonal group dynamics in startup-firms, and the potential relationship between entrepreneurship and economic inequality. Professor Wennberg is a board member of Scancor at the Universities of Stanford and Harvard and from this summer, he is the holder of the Barbara Bergström Professorship at The Stockholm School of Economics.

Johan Ölvander is the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering and professor in Engineering Design at Linköping University. His research interests are within the field of product design and development, and specifically how simulation and optimization techniques can be employed to support the development of complex engineering systems. Professor Ölvander has on several occasions received the Dean’s appreciation letter for good teaching achievements and is a member of the steering committee for Result Center run by SSF.

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Participants career webinar