11 oktober 2017
Date: 11 October
Time: 13:00-17:00
Venue: Lecture hall Audhumbla, Veterinärmedicinskt och husdjursvetenskapligt centrum (VHC), Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Ultuna
Live stream video will be available for SLU Alnarp/Stora sessionssalen and SLU Umeå/Holly-Wood. The seminar will be recorded and publicly available afterwards.
The seminar is free. Coffee and refreshments are included.
Registration is mandatory.
Last day to register: 9 October
Hosts: Young Academy of Sweden and SLU
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The Young Academy of Sweden and VH Future Faculty at SLU have the pleasure to arrange a half day event about career systems and how to succeed as a researcher at SLU. We welcome PhD-students, postdocs and researchers at SLU. Peter Högberg, Vice Chancellor at SLU, will give an introductory lecture about the career system at SLU. The program will be moderated by PhD Anna Wetterbom, CEO at the Young Academy of Sweden.
13.15-13.20 Welcome!
13.20-13.40 Presentation of the Young Academy of Sweden
13.40-14.00 Presentation of VH Future Faculty – moving in the direction of a SLU Future Faculty
14.00-14.40 Vice Chancellor Peter Högberg: The career path at SLU and what will happen in the near future?
14.40-15.00 Coffee
15.00-16.00 Panel discussion with representatives from SLU (NJ, LTV, VH, och S), Future Faculty and the Young Academy of Sweden
16.00-17.00 Mingle
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