7 november 2018
Date: Wednesday 7 November
Time: 15:30–17:30
Venue: Hörsalen, Geovetarcentrum, Guldhedsgatan 5A/Ängemarken 6 (back of the building), University of Gothenburg
The seminar is free. Refreshments are included.
Registration (below) is mandatory.
Hosts: Young Academy of Sweden, University of Gothenburg
Poster/flyer A3/A4 for download
Twitter: @Ungaakademin
The Young Academy of Sweden and University of Gothenburg (GU) have the pleasure to arrange an event about career systems and how to succeed as a researcher at GU. We welcome PhD-students, postdocs and researchers. Previous stops on the Academy’s career seminar tour have been arranged at Uppsala University, SLU, KTH, Lund University, and Linköping University.
15:30 Welcome!
Sebastian Westenhoff, Professor in Biophysical chemistry, Member of The Young Academy of Sweden
15:35–15:45 Introduction – A Career Path at the University of Gothenburg
Eva Wiberg, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gothenburg
15:45–15:50 Welcome from the Faculty of Science
Göran Hilmersson, Dean
15:50–15:55 Future Faculty Sahlgrenska
Cecilia Bull, Researcher, Sahlgrenska Academy, Co-chair Future Faculty
Vilborg Palsdottir, Postdoctoral research fellow, Sahlgrenska Academy, Co-chair Future Faculty
15:55–16:00 The Young Academy of Sweden
Anna Wetterbom, CEO
16:00–17:00 Panel dicussion
Preliminary panelists: representatives for the Faculty of Arts, and the Department of Political Science
Moderator: Staffan I. Lindberg, Professor in Political Science, Director of V-Dem Institute, Member of The Young Academy of Sweden
We will take questions from the audience and discuss topics such as:
– How do career paths look like in the different disciplines?
– What criteria are used for promotion in the different disciplines?
– What will happen in terms of career paths and tenure track positions in the near future?
– Current and future challenges for young researchers?
17:00–17:30 Mingle with refreshments
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