27 maj 2016
Date: Friday 27 May 2016
Time: 10:00–12:15
Venue: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden
Host: The Young Academy of Sweden
The seminar is free. Lunch and coffee are included. Registration (below) is mandatory.
The seminar will be filmed.
The Big Bang Theory charachter Sheldon Cooper refers to academy member Marie Dacke’s research in the The Hofstadter Insufficiency-episode. Photo: Warnerbros/CBS
Twitter: #sciinfi #twmsa16
We celebrate the first Torsten Wiesel Midnight Sun Award – For Distinguished Achievement in Promoting Science awardees with the seminar Science in Fiction – How “The Big Bang Theory” brought science to the top comedy ratings
Professor David Saltzberg on the set for The Big Bang Theory alongside the series’ iconic whiteboard. Photo: Chris Frawley
Speakers: Maria Gunther, David Saltzberg (Photo: Chris Frawley), Christian Wikander (Photo: Fredrik Hjerling/SVT)
09:30 Coffee
10:00 Welcome and introduction
Anna Sjöström Douagi, CEO of the Young Academy of Sweden
10:10 Introduction of the laureates
10:15 Award ceremony
Professor Torsten Wiesel presents the “Torsten Wiesel Midnight Sun Award 2016” to
Laureate David Saltzberg, Professor of High Energy Experiment, University of California Los Angeles and Science Consultant, the Warner Bros. television comedy The Big Bang Theory
Award committee member Christian Broberger, Associate professor in Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institutet, reads the committees prize citation
10:25 Award lecture
David Saltzberg, Professor of High Energy Experiment, University of California Los Angeles and Science Consultant, the Warner Bros. television comedy The Big Bang Theory
10:55 Interview
Christian Forssén, Member of the Young Academy of Sweden and Professor in Theoretical Subatomic Physics at Chalmers University of Technology, interviews David Saltzberg
11:15 Real Humans – Swedish television series about robots
Christian Wikander, Head of Drama, at the Swedish Public Service Company SVT
11.35 Science in fiction
Maria Gunther, Science editor, Dagens Nyheter
11:55 Panel talk
Maria Gunther, Christian Wikander and David Saltzberg together with Young Academy members Christian Broberger and Maria Lindskog
12:15 End
12:15 Lunch is served in the Beijer foyer
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