During 19–21 July in Johannesburg, South Africa, young researchers from all over the world will gather for the third World Wide Meeting of Young Academies. The meeting is hosted by the South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS) and co-organised with the Global Young Academy (GYA). Helena Filipsson and Robert Lagerström will represent the The Young Academy of Sweden.

World Wide Meeting of Young Academies in Stockholm, Sweden 2015

World Wide Meeting of Young Academies in Stockholm, Sweden 2015 (click to enlarge). Photo: Anna Kjellström/Young Academy of Sweden

Hosted by SAYAS, the Department of Science & Technology (DST), the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) and other partners.

In seeking to provide platforms for capacitating young scientists, SAYAS will run the following meetings with like-minded partners:

Helena Filipsson och Robert Lagerström Photo: Markus Marcetic/Young Academy of Sweden

Helena Filipsson, Professor in Quaternary geology at Lund University, and Robert Lagerström, Associate Professor in Information systems architecture at KTH Royal Institute of Technology will represent The Young Academy of Sweden. Photo: Markus Marcetic/Young Academy of Sweden

Hosted by the South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS) and co-organised by the Global Young Academy (GYA).

This meeting of National Young Academies of Science (NYAS) offers the unique opportunity to:

In November 2015 The Young Academy of Sweden (YAS) together with The Global Young Academy (GYA) and The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) welcomed representatives from Young Academies, initiatives and similar organizations from allover the world to Stockholm, Sweden. 33 countries were represented in the gathering that also held prominent keynotes and a flora of research related activities.

More information

World Wide Meeting of Young Academies 2017

World Wide Meeting of Young Academies 2015

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