Marie Wiberg presented Young Academy of Sweden at the Young Scientists Talk 2017 hosted by the Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology (Y-KAST) and the Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) in Seoul, Korea on November 1, 2017.

Marie Wiberg at YKAST

Marie Wiberg, Professor in Statistics at Umeå University, presents the Young Academy of Sweden at Young Scientists Talk 2017. Photo: Y-KAST

The Young Scientists Talk (YST) 2017 was a platform for participants and young scientists from around the world to strengthen ties and to share opinions and visions in the field of science and technology. The purpose was to lay the groundwork for developments in research and to build opportunities for further exchanges with Young Academy representatives.

– The visit was very fruitful, it is always tremendously interesting to exchange experiences with young researchers from around the world. In particular it was fun to see how much we have in common with our Korean fellow researchers. The event was so well organized, we are very grateful to Y-KAST and KAST for inviting us and look forward to future collaborations, said Marie Wiberg.

Young Academy of Sweden's initiator and Honorary Member Gunnar Öquist also participated and promoted the Young Academy movement.

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