17 maj 2017
On 17 May the European Research Council’s 10-year anniversary were celebrated in Stockholm. The Young Academy of Sweden hosted a conference together with the Swedish Research Council and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The Minister for Research, Helene Hellmark Knutsson, and the ERC’s President, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, gave keynote presentations. The Academy’s Camilla Svensson chaired a session about the ERC’s impact on research and careers in a dialogue with Swedish grantees.
From the left: Carolina Wählby, Professor of Quantitative Microscopy, Uppsala University, Dejan Kostic, Professor of Internetworking, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Johan Elf, Professor of Physical Biology, Uppsala University, Torsten Persson, Professor of Economics, Stockholm University, and Camilla Svensson, Chair of the Young Academy of Sweden. Click to enlarge. Photo: Anette Andersson
Other sessions presented outcomes of ERC-funded research, and a panel discussion were held about how we can strengthen Sweden as a research nation, the latter chaired by Göran Sandberg, Executive Director for the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Academy member Staffan I. Lindberg, Professor of Political Science, provided one of the research presentations. The Director-General of the Swedish Research Council, Sven Stafström, concluded the conference with final remarks.
From the left: Professor Klaus Bock, ERC Vice-President, Göran K Hansson Professor of Cardiovascular Research at Karolinska Institute, Professor Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Vice-Chancellor of Stockholm University, and Göran Sandberg, Executive Director for the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Photo: Young Academy of Sweden
A decade ago, the EU Commission established a European Research Council (ERC), for the purpose of promoting European basic research of the highest scientific quality and supporting leading edge research within all fields of study. Financing from the ERC is now one of the highest accolades available to researchers in Europe. Since it was founded, around 7 000 researchers have received grants from the ERC, of which around 250 from Sweden.
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