23 mars 2018
Young Academy of Sweden met with 16 other young academies from allover Europe on 22–23 March in Amsterdam. The Academies presented themselves and shared examples of their best practice activities in a workshop. The Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Challenge, ms. Sigrid Kaag, visited the meeting.
Chair Kristian Pietras presents the Academy. Photo: Maria Tenje/Young Academy of Sweden
The Minister Sigrid Kaag presented the Dutch approach to the Sustainable Development Goals. Day two the academies discussed possibilities for further inter-academy collaborations based on the presented cases and how we can work together in contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The meeting was arranged at Trippenhuis of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
Young academies from Albania, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Israel, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, toghether with The Young Academy of Europe and The Global Young Academy participated in the meeting.
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