8 oktober 2018
Date: Friday 9 November
Time: 13:00-15:00, light lunch served from 12:15
Venue: Bankhallen, Regeringskansliet, Malmtorgsgatan 3, Stockholm
Organisers: Swedish National Commission for UNESCO and Young Academy of Sweden
Foto: Karl Axelsson
The human right to participate in and benefit from science is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which celebrates its 70th anniversary this year. The 2017 UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchersfurther states that academic freedom lies at the very heart of the scientific process, and provides a strong guarantee of the accuracy and objectivity of scientific results. Today when academic freedom is challenged in some countries and disciplines, it is urgent to highlight and discuss how researchers, universities, academies and governments may support fellow researchers and safeguard academic freedom globally.
Speakers and panelists:
Moderator: Helena Lindholm (Professor in Social Sciences at Gothenburg University and Chair of the Expert Group for Aid Studies, EBA, a Government committee).
For more information please contact Anna Wetterbom (Young Academy of Sweden) or Julia Lodén (Swedish National Commission for UNESCO).
Please register here. The number of seats is limited so please register early.
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