The Young Academy of Sweden published its first book in September 2013. “Vägar till vetenskapen – Sveriges unga akademi om att bli och vara forskare” (Roads to Science – the Young Academy of Sweden on becoming and being a scientist) is a collection of short autobiographies by the first generation academy members. 

Vägar till vetenskapen
Omslag Vägar till vetenskapen

The texts are personal and revolve around issues such as choice of career, driving forces and career strategies. How do you become a scientist? What does it take to succeed?
Since the members represent a wide spectrum of disciplines from philosophy to nanotechnology, the book offers valuable insight into today’s scientific landscape; its mission and challenges. The book was launched at the Göteborg Book Fair in September 2013.

Chief Editor: Christer Nordlund, Professor, History of ideas, Umeå university and Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS).

Forword: Torsten Wiesel, Nobel Prize laureate 1981 (in physiology or medicine) with a long career as a research leader at Harvard University and Rockefeller University, USA. Torsten Wiesel is the scientific patron of the Young Academy of Sweden.
Introduction: Anna Sjöström Douagi, Med. Dr/Ph.D. in immunology and the Academy’s CEO.


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