Saeid Esmaeilzadeh is a new Foundation for Young Academy of Sweden board member and will assume his position on October 24th.


Saeid Esmaeilzadeh. Photo: Rickard Eriksson

Saeid Esmaeilzadeh defended his PhD in inorganic chemistry in 2000 at Stockholm University and is now an entrepreneur, business leader, and co-founder of over 30 companies. He has won several awards for both his research and entrepreneurship and has been actively bridging the gap between academia and industry for the past 20 years.

The academic world and the business world often speak completely different languages. I hope that I can empower young researchers to see opportunities outside of academia and provide them with the means to improve research conditions in Sweden, says Saeid Esmaeilzadeh.

Saeid Esmaeilzadeh has experience serving on numerous scientific advisory boards for both academic institutions and companies, such as the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) Business Council and the Research2Business project group. Saeid has also been a member of the government’s reference group for entrepreneurs, a member of Almi Invest’s GreenTech fund, and a member of the Entrepreneurship Forum. Today, he is the CEO and founder of his company group, Esmaeilzadeh Holding – EHAB, which also has its research team conducting research on related business issues.

The Foundation for the Young Academy of Sweden

The Foundation for the Young Academy of Sweden was established in 2013 when the Young Academy of Sweden, as one of the few young academies in the world, was spun off from its parent academy, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and became independent. The foundation is responsible for enabling the Young Academy of Sweden to conduct its independent activities. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has a dedicated seat on the foundation’s board, and since the establishment of the foundation, the corresponding CEO of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Permanent Secretary, has held that seat.

Members of the foundation’s board are:

  • Agneta Bladh, Chairman, former chairman of the Swedish Research Council, board member of the Institute for Futures Studies, chairman of Forskning & Framsteg, former state secretary at the Ministry of Education and former director general of the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education
  • Hans Ellegren, Professor of Evolutionary Biology, Permanent Secretary, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  • Saeid Esmaeilzadeh, PhD in Inorganic Chemistry, entrepreneur, CEO and founder of Esmaeilzadeh Holding – EHAB
  • Carl-Henrik Heldin, Professor of Molecular Cell Biology at Uppsala University and former chairman of the Nobel Foundation
  • Birgitta Svensson, Professor of Ethnology at Stockholm University, former Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities
  • Ulrika Årehed Kågström, Secretary-General of the Swedish Cancer Society, chairman of the Swedish Arts Council

The board meetings also include Sverker Lundin as the presenting CEO, as well as Ronnie Berntsson, the chairperson of the Academy, and Sofia Lodén, the vice chairperson, as permanent adjutants.

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